11/1/2019 2:48:25 PM

In Javascript, to remove an item or items from an array, use the splice function.

//the array you want to modify var array = ["hello", "asdfasdf", "world"]; //show initial array console.log(array); //get the index of the value you want to remove var index_to_remove = array.indexOf("asdfasdf"); //use splice to remove that index, and return a new array //splice returns the removed elements //remove at index: index_to_remove, remove 1 value var removed_elements = array.splice(index_to_remove, 1); //show final array console.log(array); //show removed elements console.log(removed_elements); //no error is thrown if you remove an index that doesnt exist //the returned object will be null removed_elements = array.splice(75, 1); console.log(removed_elements); //no error is thrown if you try to remove too many items //the returned object will be null removed_elements = array.splice(0, 10); console.log(removed_elements);