5/19/2015 2:55:09 PM

The following is a simple example of a SQL Server Cursor

--declare variables to hold data fetched by cursor DECLARE @userId int, @firstName varchar(200), @lastname varchar(200), @counter int set @counter = 0 --create the cursor DECLARE MyCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM Users ORDER BY Id asc --open cursor and grab first row of data OPEN MyCursor FETCH MyCursor INTO @userId, @firstName, @lastName -- start the main processing loop. WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0 BEGIN set @counter = @counter + 1 --Print PRINT ('Counter Says: ' + CAST(@counter as varchar(10))) --do something --update users --set users.FirstName = @firstName, -- users.LastName = @lastname --where users.id = @userId -- Get the next row of data FETCH MyCursor INTO @userId, @firstName, @lastName END --never forget to close and deallocate your cursor CLOSE MyCursor DEALLOCATE MyCursor