12/5/2022 10:17:07 PM

INNER and LEFT JOINS work great for connecting data across multiple tables. However, if you are trying to connect to only 1 row on a second table (most recent, highest rated, etc.), JOINS are going to leave you wanting more. But there is a very simple solution.

CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY work very similar to standard JOINs but they allow you to pass values from the first table into a query (table value function) that defines the second table. This will allow you to pass an Id from the first table, into a second query, and select only 1 row from that second table/query.

Assume we have the following 2 tables:


Id FirstName LastName
1 First1 Last1
2 First2 Last2
3 First3 Last3



Id UserId Title DateCreated
1 1 Posting Monday 2022-12-05
2 1 Posting Tuesday 2022-12-06
3 1 Posting Friday 2022-12-09
4 1 Posting Saturday 2022-12-10
5 2 Hello World 2022-12-05
6 2 Goodbye Cruel World 2022-12-06

Now, lets get users and their posts.


This will return all users who have a post and every post that user has.

-- inner join SELECT Users.* ,UserPosts.* FROM Users join UserPosts on Users.Id = UserPosts.UserId


This will return all users, even if they haven't posted, and all posts they have.

-- left join SELECT Users.* ,UserPosts.* FROM Users left join UserPosts on Users.Id = UserPosts.UserId


This will return all users who have a post and every post that user has.

-- cross apply (instead of inner join) SELECT Users.* ,UserPosts.* FROM Users CROSS APPLY ( SELECT UserPosts.Id ,UserPosts.UserId ,UserPosts.Title ,UserPosts.DateCreated FROM UserPosts WHERE UserPosts.UserId = Users.Id -- the value we are passing in from the fist table ) AS UserPosts


This will return all users, even if they haven't posted, and all posts they have.

-- outer apply (instead of left join) SELECT Users.* ,UserPosts.* FROM Users OUTER APPLY ( SELECT UserPosts.Id ,UserPosts.UserId ,UserPosts.Title ,UserPosts.DateCreated FROM UserPosts WHERE UserPosts.UserId = Users.Id -- the value we are passing in from the fist table ) AS UserPosts


This will return all users who have a post AND ONLY THEIR MOST RECENT POST.

-- cross apply top 1 SELECT Users.* ,UserPosts.* FROM Users CROSS APPLY ( SELECT TOP 1 UserPosts.Id ,UserPosts.UserId ,UserPosts.Title ,UserPosts.DateCreated FROM UserPosts WHERE UserPosts.UserId = Users.Id -- the value we are passing in from the fist table ORDER BY UserPosts.DateCreated DESC ) AS UserPosts


This will return all users, even if they haven't posted, AND ONLY THEIR MOST RECENT POST.

-- outer apply (instead of left join) SELECT Users.* ,UserPosts.* FROM Users OUTER APPLY ( SELECT TOP 1 UserPosts.Id ,UserPosts.UserId ,UserPosts.Title ,UserPosts.DateCreated FROM UserPosts WHERE UserPosts.UserId = Users.Id -- the value we are passing in from the fist table ORDER BY UserPosts.DateCreated DESC ) AS UserPosts