3/22/2021 3:13:37 PM

Submit a player's high score to a PlayFab Leaderboard in Unity using C#.

public static void Post_High_Score(int score) { Debug.Log("Post_High_Score"); #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.Log("Dont post to leaderboards in Unity Editor"); return; #endif var leaderboard_title = "High Scores"; try { if (PlayFabClientAPI.IsClientLoggedIn()) { Debug.Log("Player Logged In"); PlayFabClientAPI.UpdatePlayerStatistics(new UpdatePlayerStatisticsRequest { Statistics = new List { new StatisticUpdate { StatisticName = leaderboard_title, Value = score } } }, result => OnStatisticsUpdated(result), FailureCallback); } else { Debug.Log("Player Not Logged In"); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.Log(ex); } } static void OnStatisticsUpdated(UpdatePlayerStatisticsResult updateResult) { Debug.Log("Successfully submitted high score"); } static void FailureCallback(PlayFabError error) { Debug.LogWarning("Something went wrong with your API call. Here's some debug information:"); Debug.LogError(error.GenerateErrorReport()); }