3/17/2021 5:02:54 PM

Using C# and Unity 3D, load top scores in a PlayFab leaderboard.

void PlayFab__Load_Top_Scores() { if (PlayFabClientAPI.IsClientLoggedIn() == false) { return; } try { var max_scores_to_load = 10; var leaderboard_name = "High Scores"; var request = new GetLeaderboardRequest() { StartPosition = 0, StatisticName = leaderboard_name, MaxResultsCount = max_scores_to_load }; PlayFabClientAPI.GetLeaderboard(request, PlayFab__OnSuccessGetLeaderboard, PlayFab__OnErrorGetLeaderboard); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError(ex); } } void PlayFab__OnSuccessGetLeaderboard(GetLeaderboardResult result) { Debug.Log("PlayFab__OnSuccessGetLeaderboard"); //do something with each score foreach (PlayerLeaderboardEntry player_score in result.Leaderboard) { Debug.Log(player_score.DisplayName + ": " + player_score.StatValue); } } void PlayFab__OnErrorGetLeaderboard(PlayFabError result) { Debug.Log("PlayFab__OnErrorGetLeaderboard"); Debug.LogError(result.ErrorMessage); }